
Ahlat Seljuk Meydanlık Graveyard

Gravestones Tell a Lot... Guide Traditions … Witness History…

The district of Ahlat, located on the northwestern edge of Lake Van in the province of Bitlis, is home to the largest historic Muslim-Turkish Cemetery in the world: a Seljuk cemetery with six different zones of graves. Selcuklu Meydanlık Graveyard, the largest of these zones, is dated back to the 13th century and is currently used as an open-air archaeological museum. The major idea of the project is to preserve the gravestones, graves, and monumental tombs where the grave monoliths can reach four meters height.

The employee of the project was Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directory of Cultural Heritage and Museums. It was done in 2011 and applied completely in 2016, nominated for UNESCO World Heritage List in 2017. Now, the site is on the temporary list.

  • Country
  • City
  • Year
  • Client
    republic of turkey, ministry of culture and tourism, general directorate for cultural heritage and museums
  • Stage
  • Theme
    sustainability, cultural heritage, landscape preservation
  • Program
    memorial architecture, archaeological site preservation, designing in historical sites, designing with climate, designing with geography