
Asst. Prof. Dr., Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.

Oktan Nalbantoğlu studied landscape architecture at Ankara University and graduated in 1986. He completed his Ph.D. at the same university in 1997. His research interests are urban design, urban transformation and large-scale park projects, waterfront design, and landscape restoration. He teaches design studios, conducts technics and material courses, and leads professional practise. In addition to his academic involvement, he also entered several national and international design competitions in which he received almost all initial prizes since 2001.

Oktan Nalbantoğlu has founded ‘on tasarım’ in October 2007 in Ankara, as the continuation of his design practices at different companies and offices. Since then, ‘on tasarım’ has turned out to be one of the most recognized urban design and landscape architectural offices in Turkey with a team of 40 people for twelve years. He founded ‘Ground’ that dwells upon architecture and landscape urbanism, as ‘European Window’ of his professional approach. 

Nalbantoğlu’s career contains a wide range of architecture and landscape categories such as urban regeneration and rehabilitation projects at all scales, memorial architecture, cultural landscape, ecological design, mix-use housing environments, and coastal design.

Seminars, Workshops and Lectures

Nalbantoğlu, O., ‘Covid-19 Gündeminde Peyzaj Mimarlığı, (Covid-19 and Landscape Architecture), Bartın University, Department of Landscape Architecture, Online Talks, November 2020,
(Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., ‘İstanbul Senin’ Haliç Kıyıları Tasarım Yarışması, (‘Istanbul is Yours’ Haliç Coasts Design Competition), Project Presentation, July 2020, Istanbul, Turkey (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., “The Future of Landscape Architecture”, Istanbul Technical University, Online Talks, 19 May 2020, (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., The Effects of Covid 19 on Landscape Architecture”, Istanbul Landscape Architecture Platform, Online Talks, 12 May 2020, (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., The Soul of Landscape”, Istanbul Landscape Architecture Platform, Online Talks, 8 May 2020, (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Yarışmalarla İstanbul'u Tasarlamak" (Designing Istanbul with Competitions), UCTEA, Chamber of  Landscape Architects, 2nd Urban Design Symposium, 27-28 February 2020, Istanbul, Turkey (Participated as a moderator).

Nalbantoğlu, O., "İstanbul'un Kara Surları" (Land Walls of Istanbul), UCTEA, Chamber of  Landscape Architects, 2nd Urban Design Symposium, 27-28 February 2020, Istanbul, Turkey (Participated as a panelist).

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Tasarımın Doğası / Doğadan öğrenmek" (The Nature of the Design / Learning from Nature), ACE Architecture, March 2019, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Yedikule Bostanları" (Historical Yedikule ‘Bostan’s), Istanbul Technical University, May 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O.,  "Yedikule Bostanlarını Geleceğe Taşımak" (Historical Yedikule ‘Bostan’s), UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, July 2019, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Landscape Architecture and Urban Design" Orientation Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, September 2019, İzmir, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Bauhaus,Konut,Mahalle : Saraçoğlu Mahallesi Geleceğini Arıyor" (Bauhaus Housing, Neighborhood: Saraçoğlu District is Looking for its Future in Ankara), UCTEA, Chamber of Architects,
October 2019, Ankara, Turkey (Participated as a panelist).

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Değişen Paradigmalar Ekseninde Peyzaj Tasarımında Yeni Yaklaşımlar" Trakya University, October 2019, Edirne, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., "National Botanical Garden in Ankara" National Botanical Gardens Arboretums, Herbariums, Botanical Museums Workshop, Düzce University & Adige University, 18-21 April 2019,
Düzce, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., "Bir Varlık olarak Peyzajın Tarihsel Birikimlerini Doğru Okumak" (Reading History of Landscape as a Cultural Entity), 7th International Landscape Architecture Congress, IFLA EUROPE-UCTEA,
6-8 November 2019, Antalya, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu, O., “Eurasia Plant Fair I Flower Show”, Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Centers, 23-24 November, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Participated as a panelist, jury member and a moderator).

Nalbantoğlu, O., “International 3rd Cemer Düşten Gerçeğe Design Competition”, Cemer City Equipments Co., September, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Participated as a jury member).

Nalbantoğlu, O., International Symposium on Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences, Special Session on Coastal Planning and Design for Tourism Developments: Gained by the Water or Gone with the Decay: Urban Culture-Coastal Design-Tourism, Mediterranean University, 5th - 8th September, 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro (Paper Presentation, w/S. Ayşegül Tokol).

Nalbantoğlu, O., “Peyzaj Mimarlığı Mezunlarından Beklentiler Paneli “ (Expectations from Graduates), 2nd Landscape Architecture Workshop on Landscape Education, Düzce University, 4 - 7 July, 2018 (Participated as a panelist).

Nalbantoğlu, O., “Güçlü Kalemler – 1 Söyleşi” (Talented Architects), 13 May National Landscape Architecture Day Events, Karadeniz Technical University, 18 May, 2018 (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., IGCC International Green Capitals Congress, “National Botanical Garden of Turkey”, Greater City Municipality of Konya, 8 - 12 May, 2018 (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu, O., “Biophilic Design Conferences, 2018, “Learning from Nature”, Dezinti Design Consultancy, 13 April, 2018 (Participated as a speaker).

Nalbantoğlu O., “Urban Design Guidelines for New Urban Development, The Case of Tabriz”, December 03, 2016, Municipality of Tabriz and Young Engineers Association of East Azerbaijan Province,
Tabriz, Iran.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Urban Design Guidelines for New Urban Development, The Case of Osqu – Kendavan City”, Young Engineers Association of East Azerbaijan Province, December 04, 2016, Iran.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Urban Design Guidelines for New Urban Development, The Case of Shabester and Marand City”, Young Engineers Association of East Azerbaijan Province, December 05, 2016, Iran.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Urban Design Guidelines for New Urban Development, The Case of Julfa City”, Young Engineers Association of East Azerbaijan Province, December 06, 2016, Iran.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Professional Practice in Urban Design" Lecture in Middle East University, October 27, 2017, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kent ve Peyzaj Karsılasmalar, On Yılın Önsözü”, a panel (w/A.Tokol and K.Arapgirlioğlu), Architects’ Association 1927, October 10, 2017, Ankara.

Nalbantoğlu O., Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Panel: Urban Design Competitions, EMU Urban Research and Development Center, St. Peter and St. Paul’s Culture Center, February 27, 2017, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus.

Nalbantoğlu, O., “Inclusive Landscapes: Landscape and Democracy within the Context of Famagusta” workshop, Joint Event of Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Design Graduate Program and Bilkent University, FADA, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, February 28, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Türkiye Milli Botanik Bahçesi" (National Botanical Garden of Turkey), 6th Congress of Landscape Architecture "Discourse-Practice", UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects,
08-11 December 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kentsel Tasarım ve Sosyokültürel Bağlam - Kadıköy Örneği" (Urban Design and Sociocultural Context), 1st International Symposium on Urban Design, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 07-08 October 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kentsel Tasarım Yarışmaları Dün-Bugün-Yarın" (Urban Design Competitions), 1st International Symposium on Urban Design, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 07-08 October 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Başkentin Geleceğini Tartışmak - Son 25 Yılın Kentleşmesi" (Discussion of the Future of Ankara), UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, 13 October 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture" Lecture in Istanbul Technical University, 20 April 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Mega Şehircilik Projeleriyle değişen Konut Profilleri, Turizm yatırımları, ticaret ve sağlık yapıları ve Bunlara Özel Satış Pazarlama Kanalları”, Bursa Construction Summit,
Uludağ University – İnşaat Burada, 13 February 2015, Bursa, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Collaboration Workshop – Stage 1”, Istanbul – Zeytiburnu Workshop: Problems and Potentials, Bilkent University, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Form and Design Studio and İstanbul Technical University Department of Landscape Architecture, w/Kumru Arabgirlioğlu, Assoc. Prof. Hayriye Eşbah  Tuncay (acting chair), Dinemis Kuşuluoğlu, Emine Paten, October 5, 2015.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Risk Altındaki Alanlar: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Alanları” UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, November 11, 2014, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Engelsiz Kentlerin Önündeki Engeller Ve Çözüm Önerileri” Greater City Municipality of Adana, 13-14 June 2014.

Nalbantoğlu O., Capstone Lecture: “Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture”, LAUD 404 Seminar Series coordinated by Feyzan Erkip, Dept. of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture,
Bilkent University, 13 March 2014, Ankara, Turkey.

“A Model for Sustainable Urban Transformation”, International Workshop on Scope of Work, Bilkent University, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, General Directorate of Infrastructure and Urban Transformation Services, w/ Altay, D., Arapgirlioğlu, K., Batuman, B., Karaca, H., Nalbantoğlu, O., MAD Arkitekter (Norway), Özer/Ürger Architects,
19-20 November 2014, Rambøll (Norway).

Nalbantoğlu O., “Yeni Yaşam Alanları Olarak Üniversite Kampüsleri” Kırıkkale University, January 3, 2013, Kırıkkale, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Yerleşim Ve Yapılaşma Süreçlerinde: "Ekoloji" İmar Planları Ve Ekolojik Planlar Paradoksu”, Panel Organized by Chambers of Landscape Architects, 11 – 12 June 2013, Batman, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Engelsiz Kentlerin Önündeki En Büyük Engel / Uygulama Kalitesi – zliği”, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, October 26, 2013, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kamusal Alan Planlamasında Kentsel tasarım ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı İlişkisi” UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, February 25, 2011, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Çocuk Oyun Alanları, Teknolojik Gelişmeler ve Tasarım Kriterleri” Cemer Ltd. Co., March 30, 2011, İzmir, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Peyzaj Mimarlığında Mesleki Gelişmeler ve Profesyonel Deneyimler” Namık Kemal University, Department of Landscape Architecture, April 25, 2011, Tekirdağ, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kentin Meslekleri “Peyzaj Mimarlığı”, Colloquium of the 31st World City Planning Day, 7-9 November 2007, Ankara, Turkey.

“International Design Workshop / Valley as an Urban Form: Challenging City-Nature Intersections”, Bilkent University Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, w/Rome La Sapienza University, Faculty of Architecture, Workshop exhibition, FADA Exhibition Hall, 13-16 November 2007.

Nalbantoğlu O., “New Approaches to Urban Renewal Projects in Turkey-The Case of Dikmen Valley Housing   and Environmental Development Project Ankara”, ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools), 12-15 September 2002, Budapest, Hungary.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Ankara’nın Doğal Yapısı ve Doğal Kaynaklar-Ekolojik Planlama, Sorunlar” – Ankara’da Kentleşme ve Yerel Yönetimler Sempozyumu, UCTEA, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, 22-23 June 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Disiplin-Meslek: Mimarlık ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı”, Architects’ Association 1927, January 24, 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Practice of Landscape Architecture in Turkey”, The 3rd National Day of Landscape Architecture, King Faisal University, Collage of Architecture and Planning, April 25, 2001,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Peyzaj Mimarlığında Yeni Açılımlar - Disiplinler Arası İlişkiler” Panel Lecturer, Antalya YAPEX International Fair, November 8, 2001, Antalya, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “The Effects of Urban Recreational Areas on Urban Economy, the Case of Ankara, Turkey”, ACSP-AESOP Joint International Congress, 25-28 July 1996, Toronto, Canada.

Nalbantoğlu O., “The Effect of Urban Recreational Areas on Property Values in the Context of Recreational Economy” Ph.D. Seminar, Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1995,
Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kent İçi Rekreasyon Tesislerinin Gayrimenkul ve Arazi Fiyatları Üzerine Etkisi” Ph.D. Seminar, Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1992, Ankara, Turkey.

Magazine and Journal Articles

Nalbantoğlu O., “Zonguldak Lavuar Koruma Alanı ve Çevresi Koruma, Planlama, Kentsel Tasarım, Mimarlık ve Peyzaj Düzenleme Proje Yarışması”, Journal Construction and Investment, pp. 248-250,
October 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Zonguldak Lavuar Koruma Alanı ve Çevresi Koruma, Planlama, Kentsel Tasarım, Mimarlık ve Peyzaj Düzenleme Proje Yarışması”, TASARIM, pp.90-93, May 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kent Merkezindeki Sanayi Alanlarının Dönüşümü Sürecinde Kentsel Tasarımın Rolü: Sekapark Örneği”, TASARIM, pp.78-83, June 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kent Merkezindeki Sanayi Alanlarının Dönüşümü Sürecinde Kentsel Tasarımın Rolü: Sekapark Örneği”, TASARIM, pp.80-85, July-August 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Adana Büyükşehir Belediyesi Ziyapaşa Mah. – Mimar Sinan Parkı Kesimi Kentsel Tasarım Ulusal Proje Yarışması”, TASARIM, pp.88-89, October 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Bursa Osmangazi Belediyesi Kızyakup Kent Parkı Kentsel Tasarım ve Mimari Proje Yarışması”, TASARIM, pp.90-81, October 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “İzmit Sahili Peyzaj ve Kentsel Tasarım Proje Yarışması”, TASARIM, pp.92-95, October 2011.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kara Elması Canlandırmak” No: 92, XXI, September 2010.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Kent Kültürünün Yok Edildiği Ortamda Mekan Kültürünü Oluşturmak” UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, File 18, Ed. S. A. Tokol, pp.18-24, February 2010.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Söyleşi: “…Çok Okuyan Değil, Çok Gören Bilir Sözü Adeta Tasarım Meslekleri Için Söylenmiş Bir Sözdür” Landscape Architects’ Journal, pp. 43-45, January 2009.

Inceruh C., Nalbantoğlu O., “Rediscovering the Principles of Eco City as Spatial Attributes In Traditional Housing Settlement: The Case Of Urfa In South-eastern Anatolia” Volume 3, pp. 65-79, Arcnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research, November 2009.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Gölbaşı Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi - Bölge Parkı-Yakın Çevresi”, UCTEA, Chamber of Architectspp.25August 2004.

Nalbantoğlu O.: “Farklı Bir Yarışmanın Ardından – Ankara Gölbaşı Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi, Doğa Parkı-Yakın Çevresi Kentsel Tasarım ve Peyzaj Proje Yarışması”, TASARIM, pp.36-38, November 2001.

Nalbantoğlu O.: “Ankara Gölbaşı Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi, Bölge (Doğa) Parkı Kentsel Tasarım ve Peyzaj Proje Yarışması”, XXI, pp.52, July - August 2001.

Nalbantoğlu O.: “Rekreasyon Alanlarının Taşınmaz Değerlerine Olan Etkileri ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Landscape Architects’ Journal, May 1998.

Nalbantoğlu O.: “Konya Çifte Kümbetler Parkı Proje Yarışması Bağlamında, Park Tasarımında İki Farklı Tutum”, Landscape Architects’ Journal, May 1998.

Conference Papers with Proceedings

Nalbantoğlu O., “Sanayi Alanlarının Dönüşümü ve Korunması: Zonguldak Lavuar ve Seka Kağıt Fabrikası Örnekleri” in the proceeding of Symposium of Landscape Architecture and Preservation, pp.158-163,
12-13 May 2011, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Yeni Kent Planlama Paradigmaları ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı” in the proceeding of 4th Congress of Landscape Architecture, 21-24 October 2010, Kuşadası, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., Oruçkaptan A., “Batman Kenti Özelinde Ülkemizin Mevcut Planlama Yaklaşımına Peyzaj Mimarlığı Penceresinden Eleştirel Bir Bakış”, in the proceeding of the Batman 1st Symposium on Cities, pp.67-72, October 31 - November 1, 2009, Batman, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Sanayi Dönüşümünde Yeni Bir Model Seka Park”, Congress of Landscape Architecture, pp.50-51, 22-25 November 2007, Antalya, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “New Regeneration Concepts for Industrial Areas in Turkey, İzmit–Seka Urban and Landscape Design”, Euro Mediterranean Cities Conference Barcelona +10, pp.25-26, November 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

Nalbantoğlu O., “The Tree Domains in The Contexts of Eco-City: The Case of Urfa In South Eastern Anatolia, Turkey” in the proceeding of 41st IFLA World Congress, pp.59-68, 9-11 September 2004,
Taipei – Taiwan.

Nalbantoğlu O., Teber S., “İdeolojik “Kamusal” Mekan Tartışmaları Arasında Kent “Yer” Belleğinin Yokedilmesi” in the proceeding of 2nd Congress of Landscape Architecture, pp.198-202, 25-27 November 2004, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., Güzer B., “Çağdaş Kent Mekanlarında Tasarım ve Uygulama İlişkileri; 1980 Sonrası Kentsel Açık Alan Uygulaması Üzerine Bir Araştırma” in the proceeding of 2nd Congress of Landscape Architecture, pp.198-202, 25-27 November 2004, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., ”New Approaches to Urban Renewal Projects in Turkey, The Case of Dikmen Valley Housing and Environmental Development Project-Ankara” in the proceedings of the GRERBAM Conference (Which Urban Projects in the Mediterranean Basin), pp.175-185, 11-12 May 2000, Barcelona, Spain.

Nalbantoğlu O.,”Kentsel Rekreasyon Alanlarının Taşınmaz Değerlerine Olan Etkiler:Ankara Örneği”  Congress of Landscape Architecture, Congress Book, pp.59-69, 19-21 October 2000, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Dikmen Vadisi Konut ve Çevre Geliştirme Projesi Bağlamında Ülkemizdeki Kentsel Yenileme (Dönüşüm) Proje Modellerinin Sorgulanması” Congress of Landscape Architecture, Congress Book, pp.97-108, 19-21 October 2000, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O.,”Açık Alanların Deprem Öncesi ve Sonrası Kullanım Verimliliği” Congress of Landscape Architecture-2000, Congress Book, pp.145-147, 19-21 October 2000, Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Planning Strategies of Urban Recreational Renewal Projects, The Case of Dikmen Valley Housing and Environmental Development Project-Ankara, Turkey”, 34th IFLA World Congress,
08-11 October 1997, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Offices Held in Scholarly and Professional Societies

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Urban Design Symposium, Chairman of Executive Board, 2019.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, International Landscape Architecture Congress, Organization Committee Member, 2019.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, International Relations Committee Member, March 2011 – Present.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, International Landscape Architecture Congress, Organization Committee Member, 2015.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 1st Urban Design Symposium, Chairman of Organization Committee, June-October 2016.

UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, Cultural Landscapes Committee Member, 2008.

Bilkent University, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture, Member of Conference and Symposium Commission, 2002 – Present.

Bilkent University, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture, Member of Summer Training Commission, 2002 – Present.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Member of Scientific Committee, 4th Congress of Landscape Architecture, 2009 – 2010.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Member of Advisory Committee, 4th Congress of Landscape Architecture, 2009 – 2010.

Greater City Municipality of Ankara, Ankara Urban Aesthetic Committee Member, 2005 – 2008.

UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, Valleys and Urban Parks Workshop Committee Member, 2004 – 2005.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Member of Organizing Committee, Congress of Landscape Architecture, 2002 – 2004.

TASARIM, Advisor for Journal Publications, 2002-Present.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Member of the Board, 2000 – 2002.

UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Member of Organizing Committee, Congress of Landscape Architecture, 1999 – 2000.

Refereeing for Competitions

Jury Member, “International 4th Cemer ‘From Dream to Reality’ Design Competition”, Cemer City Equipment Co., Istanbul, September 2020.

Jury Member, “International 3rd Cemer ‘From Dream to Reality’ Design Competition”, Cemer City Equipment Co., Istanbul, September 2018.

Jury President, "Design Idea Competition on Qualified Urban Furniture” Ministry of Environment and Urbanism, Ankara, Turkey, 12 July 2017.

Jury Member, "Student Idea Project Competition on Historical Gölpazarı Taşhan and its Surroundings”, Işıklar Holding, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 October 2016.

Jury Member, Barış Eyikan Urban Design Competition, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2013.

Jury Member, “Urban Design Project Competition on New Ideas for Eskişehir Stadium   Area”, UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, Eskişehir, Turkey, May 2014 – September 2014.

Jury Member, “Urban Design Project Competition for Edirne Selimiye Mosque and its Environment”, Edirne Municipality, Edirne, Turkey, November 2009 – March 2010.

Jury Member, “Urban Design Project Competition on Kızılay Urban Square and its Surroundings”, UCTEA, Chamber of Architects, Ankara, Turkey, July 2009 – October 2009.

Jury Member, “Sarıkamış War Memorial Park Project Competition” Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Kars, Turkey, October 2008 – January 2009.

Jury Member, “Project Competition of Sapanca Lake and Recreation Area” Arifiye Municipality, Sakarya, Turkey, August 2006 – January 2007.

Jury Member, “Urban Design and Architecture Competition for Dicle Valley Landscape” Greater City Municipality of Diyarbakır, Diyarbakır, Turkey, November 2006 – March 2007.

Jury Member, “Urban Design Project Competition for Ünye City Plaza” Ünye Municipality, Ordu, Turkey, October 2005 – February 2006.

Jury Member, “Landscape Architecture Student Competition for Beypazarı City Entrance, Street and Square Design” UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Ankara, Turkey, January 2006 – April 2006.

Jury Member, “Barış Eyikan Urban Design Student Project Competition” Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2005.

Jury Member, “Project Competition of Kuğulu Park and its Surroundings” Çankaya Municipality, Ankara, Turkey, 2002.  

Jury member, “Student Competition of Urban Design Projects for Güvenpark” UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Ankara, Turkey, 2002.

Jury Member, “Barış Eyikan Urban Design Student Project Competition” Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2000.

Professional Awards and Honours

First Prize, Greater City Municipality of Istanbul, Urban Design Competition for the 'Istanbul is Yours', Haliç Coasts Design Competition, Zone-5, 2020.

Third Mention Award, Greater City Municicpality of Izmir, ‘Meles River as an Urban and Ecological Backbone’, Idea Projects Category - Urban Design Project, 2020.

Third Mention Award, Greater City Municicpality of Istanbul, Kadıköy Square Urban Design Competition, 2020.

First Prize, ISBS2019, 4th International Sustainable Building Symposium Awards, The Best Sustainability Application Award, Gölbaşı Public Garden, 2019.

Second Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 11th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Time-Space-Memory’ – Idea Projects Category, Urban Design Project for Garipce Castle, 2019.

First Mention Award,  UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 11th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Urban Design – Application Project Category,
Historical Yedikule ‘Bostan’s and Agriculture Park, 2019.

First Prize, Greater City Municipality of Samsun, Urban Design Competition for the Samsun Spectacle of May the 19th, 2017.

First Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, ‘Urban Design’ – Unapplied Project Category, Kadıköy Urban Square and its Vicinity, 2016.

Second Prize, Casa Aménagement, Urban Design and Architectural Project Competition of Morocco Casablanca Waterfront, Casablanca, Morocco, 2016.

Second Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 8th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Urban Design’ – Applied Projects Category, Çanakkale Waterfront Promenade Project, 2016.

Fourth Mention Award, Greater City Municipality of Adana, Urban Design and Architectural Project Competition on an Urban Square of Adana Seyhan Sucuzade Neighbourhood, Adana, Turkey, 2016.

Third Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 8th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Urban Design’ – Unapplied Projects Category, ‘Green’ Urban Square Design for Çanakkale’, 2016

Second Prize, Greater City Municipality of Antalya, An Idea Competition on Urban Design and Architecture of Konyaaltı Coastal Line, 2015.

Third Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 7th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Public Architectural Environments’ – Planning and Analyses Category,
Idea Competition Project of Kurbağalıdere Valley, 2015.

Third Prize, Özer/Ürger Architecture, DGT Agency, Design Base, Idea Competition for the Nodes of National Park of the Gallipoli Peninsula, 2014.

Equal 1st Prize, Kadıköy Municipality, Idea Project Competition of Kurbağalıdere Valley, 2013.

Second Prize, Çanakkale Municipality, ‘Urban Design’ – Concept Projects Category, ‘Green’ Urban Square Design for Çanakkale’, 2013.

First Prize, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Idea Project Competition of Urban Design, Planning and Landscape on Gallipoli Historical Peninsula National Park,
Ağadere Hospital and the Memorial, 2012.

First Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 4th National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Conservation Areas’ – Applied Projects Category, Ahlat Seljuk Graveyard Project, 2012.

First Mention Award, Uşak Municipality, National ‘Urban Design’ – Concept Projects Category, Idea Competition Project of İsmetpaşa Street and its Vicinity, 2012.

Third Mention Award, Greater City Municipality of Bursa, Urban Design Project Competition for Orhangazi Square and its Vicinity, 2012.

Second Prize, YDA Group, 'Urban Regeneration Project' for Ankara – Invited Competition Project of Yenimahalle Mehmet Akif Ersoy Neighbourhood, 2011.

First Prize, Zonguldak Municipality, National ‘Urban Design’- Planning and Landscape Category, Idea Competition of Zonguldak Lavoir Protection Area and its Surroundings, 2010.

Equal 1st Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, 2nd National Awards of Landscape Architecture, ‘Urban Parks’ – Applied Projects Category, Hamsu Valley City Park, Bilecik, 2010.

Application Project Prize, UCTEA, Chamber of Landscape Architects, Industrial Regeneration Category, Sekapark, 2010.

Third Mention Award, Greater City Municipality of Kocaeli, Landscape and Urban Design Project Competition of Izmit Waterfront, 2010.

First Prize, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Parks and Natural Conservation National Architectural,
Landscape Planning and Urban Design Project Competition on the 1st and the 2nd Development Zones of Uludağ National Park, 2009.

Third Mention Award, Urban Design and Architectural Project Competition for Denizli Governmental Building and its Surroundings, 2009.

First Prize, Yenimahalle Municipality, Invited Urban Design, Landscape and Architectural Project Competition for Çamlıca Urban Park, 2008.

Fifth Mention Award, Greater City Municipality of Adana, National Urban Design Project Competition of the Ziyapaşa Neighbourhood Mimar Sinan Park, 2008.

First Prize, Greater City Municipality of Istanbul, Directorate of Research and Projects, Idea Competition for Maltepe Regional Park, 2007.

Recognition Award, Osmangazi Municipality, National Urban Design and Architectural Project Competition for Kızyakup City Park, 2006.

Fourth Mention Award, Greater City Municipality of Ankara, Urban and Landscape Design Project Competition for Ankara Çal Mountain Ottoman Park, 2004.

Recognition Award, Greater City Municipality of Ankara, Urban and Landscape Design Project Competition for Ankara 50th Year Park and its Surroundings, Greater City Municipality of Ankara, 2003.

First Prize, Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Urban and Landscape Design Project Competition for ‘Ankara - Gölbaşı Specially Protected Area’ Nature Park and its Surroundings, 2001.

Second Prize, Greater City Municipality of Bursa, Planning and Design Project Competition for Bursa Culture Park and its Vicinity, 2001.

Unpublished Theses

Nalbantoğlu O., “The Effect of Urban Recreational Areas on Property Values in the Context of Recreational Economy” Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1997,
Ankara, Turkey.

Nalbantoğlu O., “Maintenance Problems in the Green Areas of City of Ankara” Master Thesis, Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1988, Ankara, Turkey.

Selected Works and Projects

2021 CEPA Shopping Mall – Landscape Design Project, Ankara, Turkey

2021 Pedios River/Kanlıdere Rehabilitation and Linear Park Project, Nicosia, Cyprus

2021 Şanlıurfa Natural Habitat Landscape Design Project, Turkey

2020 Hafik Lake – Nature Preservation Plan, Sivas, Turkey

2020 AGROBANK Landscape Conceptual Project, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2020 Planning of the Phrygian Valley at the center of Natural and Cultural Landscape, Turkey

2020 Ankara Bicycle Network Application Project, Turkey

2020 Silk Road Harbour, Turkistan, Kazakhstan

2020 Aktau Tourism Development Zone Urban Design Masterplan, Kazakhstan

2020 Nişantaşı Park, DAP YAPI, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 Beyoğlu Public Garden, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 IDV Özel Bilkent Schools, Landscape Design Project, Ankara, Turkey

2020 Güngören Public Garden, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 Yalova Public Garden, Turkey

2020 Fatih Public Garden, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 Iğdır Public Garden, Turkey

2020 Silivri Public Garden, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 Dalaman Public Garden, Muğla, Turkey

2020 KocaKavak Public Garden and Pancar Street Rehabilitation Project, Tokat, Turkey

2020 Rize Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Ege University Master Plan, Izmir, Turkey

2019 Nur-Sultan Peace and Brotherhood Park, Astana, Kazakhstan

2019 Istanbul Media Center, Istanbul, Turkey

2019 TOBB ETÜ Medical Faculty Hospital – Additional Building Landscape Application Project, Turkey

2019 Sakarya Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Mersin Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Ankara Gölbaşı Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Istanbul Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Nature Park of Işıklı, Aydın, Turkey

2019 Adana Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Bilecik Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Muş Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Ahlat Public Garden, Bitlis, Turkey

2019 Sivas Zara Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Trabzon Vakfıkebir Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Kocaeli Gebze Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Istanbul Public Garden, Turkey

2019 Bilkent University Pond and its Vicinity, Ankara, Turkey

2019 Bilkent University, the Rectorate and Library Pedestrianization Project, Ankara, Turkey

2019 Bilkent Hotel and Conference Center, Swimming Pool and its Surrounding, Ankara, Turkey

2019 Gaziantep Integrated Health Campus, Gaziantep, Turkey

2019 Kocaeli Integrated Health Campus, Kocaeli, Turkey

2019 Environs of Historical Zeyrek Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey

2019 Bilecik Urban Square, Bilecik, Turkey

2019 Alanya Urban Square and Seaside, Antalya, Turkey

2019 Hamzakoy Waterfront, Çanakkale, Turkey

2018 LOT 8 City Park and Metro Square, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2018 Esenler Public Garden, İstanbul, Turkey

2018 Konya Public Garden, Turkey

2018 Rehabilitation Garden of Konya, Turkey

2018 Mimar Sinan Park, Aydın, Turkey

2018 Manisa Akhisar Culture Park, Turkey

2018 Konya Çamlıbel Historical Site, Turkey

2018 'Onsekiz Sekbanlar' Historical Martyrdom, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 The Recreational Area for Historical Fevziye Park, Bursa, Turkey

2018 The Recreational Area for Historical Cumalıkızık, Bursa, Turkey

2018 Kaplıkaya within the Scope of Bursa Silk Road Project, Bursa, Turkey

2018 Sancaktepe Recreation Area, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Bilkent University Dormitories and Sports Fields, Ankara, Turkey

2018 Özyeğin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Parking Lot and its Vicinity, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Istanbul International Finance Center, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Atatürk – Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa Boulevard, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Atatürk Street and Honda Kavşağı Street, Hatay, Turkey

2018 Gallipoli Coast Guard Area, Çanakkale, Turkey

2017 Keykubat Hill Urban Forest Recreation Area, Kayseri, Turkey

2017 Kayapark – Başaksehir, the Northern Side, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Sadık İleri Boulevard Park, Izmir, Turkey

2017 Cumhuriyet Neighborhood Park, Izmir, Turkey

2017 Nazım Hikmet Urban Park, Diyarbakır, Turkey

2017 Outer City Wall of Diyarbakır, Diyarbakır, Turkey

2017 Manisa ‘Ulu Cami’ Mosque and its Protected Surroundings, Manisa, Turkey

2017 Rehabilitation of Historical Yedikule ‘Bostan’s and Agriculture Park, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Environs of Historical Edirnekapı Mihrimah Sultan Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Environs of Historical Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Başakşehir Akzirve Strada Parcel B, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Santra Housing, Offices and Shops, Ankara, Turkey

2017 Ordu Boulevard – Divan Road, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Vatan Street, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Çukurova Regional Airport, Adana, Turkey

2017 Kayaşehir Valley, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Kayapınar Urban Square, Diyarbakır, Turkey

2017 BJK Vodafone Park, İnönü Sports Complex, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Kartal Kumcular, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Nature Park of Hatay Kisecik, Hatay, Turkey

2016 Tarsus Urban Square, Mersin, Turkey

2016 Istanbul ‘Land Walls’ – Karasurları, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Özyeğin University, Landscape Design of Dormitory – 6 and Guesthouse, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 ‘100. Yıl’ Farmer’s Market, Ankara, Turkey

2016 Maltepe Piazza Shopping Mall, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Hoşdere Hayat Park, Başaksehir, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Emaar Square snd Mixe-use Architectural Complex, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Taksim Gezi Park Pedestrian Bridge, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 İstiklal Street, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Karakum Waterfront Manolya Park, Zonguldak, Turkey

2016 Sığacık Yacht Port, Izmir, Turkey

2016 Koordinat Çayyolu Housing Project, Ankara, Turkey

2015 İBB Çamlıca Facility Center and its Vicinity, Istanbul, Turkey

2015 Vantage Ümitköy Housing Project, Ankara, Turkey

2015 The General Directory of Emlak Konut, Istanbul, Turkey

2015 Kuzu Effect, Housing and Mix-use Project, Ankara, Turkey

2015 Taksim Square and Surroundings, Istanbul, Turkey

2015 Sümer Park Recreation and Fairground, Manisa, Turkey

2015 Yeşilköy Coast, Istanbul, Turkey

2015 Dil Köyü Complex, Ankara, Turkey

2015 Optimum Extension, Izmir, Turkey

2015 MESA Göksu Housing Project, Ankara, Turkey

2015 Kartepe Urban Square, Kocaeli, Turkey

2015 Tünelağzı Urban Design and Landscape Project, Şanlıurfa, Turkey

2015 Urfa Cumhuriyet Park, Urfa, Turkey

2014 National Botanical Garden of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey

2014 Başakşehir Hoşdere Housing Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Kapıkule Train Station, Edirne, Turkey

2014 Kadıköy Urban Square and its Vicinity, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Haydarpaşa Historical Train Station and their Surroundings, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Maltepe Regional Park, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Completion of Şile Waterfront, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Şirinevler Urban Square, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Kartal Ayazma Hill Recreational and Cable Car Line Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Nevbahçe Housing Development Project, Ankara, Turkey

2013 Konya Akyokuş Nature Park and Recreational Area, Konya, Turkey

2013 Arnavutköy Urban Park, Istanbul, Turkey

2013 Arifiye High-Speed Train Station, Sakarya, Turkey

2013 Beyoğlu Talimhane Street and Environs, Istanbul, Turkey

2013 Pendik Waterfront, Istanbul, Turkey

2012 Bağcılar Güneşli Neighbourhood, Istanbul, Turkey

2012 İzmir Optimum Shopping Mall, Izmir, Turkey

2012 Kahramanmaraş Shopping Mall, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey

2012 E91 Payas – Hatay Highway, Hatay, Turkey

2012 Darin City Urban Development Project, Erbil, North Iraq

2011 Environmental Design and a Visitor Center for Kars Ani Ruins, Kars, Turkey

2011 Ahlat Seljukid Meydanlık Graveyard, Bitlis, Turkey

2011 Manisa Urban Park, Manisa, Turkey

2011 Samsun Shopping Mall, Samsun, Turkey

2010 TOBB University of Economics and Technology Campus, Ankara, Turkey

2010 METU Technocity Türk Telekom Research and Development Center, Ankara, Turkey

2010 Çanakkale Waterfront and its Vicinity, Çanakkale, Turkey

2009 Bilecik Hamsu Valley, Bilecik, Turkey

2009 Sülaimani University Campus, Iraq

2009 Park Oran Housing, Ankara, Turkey

2008 İhsan Doğramacı Erbil Foundation Bilkent International College, Erbil, Iraq

2007 Dikmen 3rd Stage Urban Park Project, Ankara, Turkey

2007 Seka Park, Izmit, Turkey